Emerald City ComiCon 2008: Get Your Geek On
The 2008 Emerald City ComiCon hit the Convention Center in Seattle on May 10 and 11, and yours truly was on hand to drink deeply from the Nerd Well on the 10th. Technically, I was on assignment to cover the Wil Wheaton panel and do some videotaping for ComicBookResources.com. But there was more than enough time to explore, play, and have fun.
Like any Gen X'er worth his salt, I spent a lot of my boyhood with my nose in comic books, so a trip through many of the dealers' booths stoked some major memory nodes. Most of my knowledge of the medium is rooted solidly in the 1970's, so seeing back issues of Jack Kirby's post-apocalyptic Tarzan mutation Kamandi and obscure Atlas Comics' hero The Phoenix took me back big-time.
Tons of comics artists and writers were on hand, and I never tire of seeing members of the former category working away at sketchbooks and commissioned works. Biggest highlight for yours truly: Seeing veteran artist Esteban Maroto (whose vivid, Frazetta-informed inkwork for Marvel's Savage Sword of Conan rocked my pre-pubescent world) in action. Surrounded by original galleys of his gorgeous fantasy and horror work, he tended to a trickle of blood on the lips of a buxom vampire maiden with customary finesse.
Elsewhere, fun conversations were had with Todd Dezago and Craig Rousseau, the writer/artist team behind a fun new superhero comic, The Perhapanauts (think the X-Men, if the X-Men were all true-life urban legends like Bigfoot and Chupacabra); Carrie Smith and Stephanie Lantry, who describe their creation To the Power Against as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but by Steven J. Hawking!"; and scribe Michael Alan Nelson, whose Fall of Cthulhu trade, The Fugue, is occupying some time in my nightmares of late (as befits the author of an update on the Cthulhu Mythos, the guy knows his Lovecraft).
And even if (God forbid) you don't dig comics
, this year's ComiCon did plenty to stroke sci-fi movie and TV geek nodes. Media guests included Gigi Edgley of the Farscape TV series, the new Battlestar Galactica's Jamie Bamber, and Julie Benz of Angel and HBO's Dexter. Best of all Wil Wheaton (Star Trek the Next Generation's Wesley Crusher) read from his new book and met and greeted fans. In addition to being an engaging blogger and raconteur (chronicled in this scintillating ComicBookResources.com piece--please overlook the editor-inflicted typos), Wheaton was a great sport in person, autographing items from two of his less-sterling-cinematic efforts--Python ("Worst movie EVER!" he inscribed on my DVD cover) and The Curse ("That movie killed my career," he sighed only half-jokingly as he signed my VHS case)--with good humor.
I was so nose-to-the-grindstone with videotaping and panel coverage that I didn't take a lot of pictures, but enclosed please find a few choice ones. My partner in crime--local actor and good buddy Bob Bohan--has turned posing with costumed attendees into a minor art form. Good on ya, Bob, and enjoy, everyone.
Yes, we are badasses. Oh, yes we are.
Hipsters with awesome body art were in full effect.
Wil Wheaton, meanwhile, performed Snake Fist Kung Fu on a Shao Lin Microphone.
All that fun, and I adopted a baby and presented it to the missus (just in time for Mother's Day!). Rita named him Bjorn Skullcrusher. Really.
Special thanks to our pal (and comic book Master Jedi) George Tramountanas for the opportunity to work--and play--at the ECCC.